Adjusted Timetable for Quad 4 Start

As we approach the end of Quadmester 3, we wanted to provide more information on the timetable/schedule to be followed for Quadmester 4. As we did during the school closure in January and February, we will be continuing with the adapted model as outlined below effective Friday, April 23.

TDSB Secondary Adjusted Timetable

Note: The Period 1 class will continue to run from 8:45 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., and will include 150 minutes of synchronous/online learning and 75 minutes of asynchronous/independent work. Teachers will begin with synchronous online learning at 8:45 a.m. The scheduled asynchronous times in the timetable above are an example of how the asynchronous times can be scheduled. Teachers will use professional judgement to determine how to schedule synchronous and asynchronous times. For clarity, both cohorts will attend during all synchronous periods.