Social Sciences & Humanities

The social sciences – represented in this curriculum by courses in equity studies, family studies, and general social sciences – explore individual and collective human behaviour and needs as well as patterns and trends in society. Courses in this area shed light on a variety of social structures, institutions, relationships, and power dynamics.
The humanities – represented in the curriculum by courses in philosophy and world religions – explore fundamental questions and ideas about human nature and the human condition.

Ministry of Education, Ontario Curriculum Document

Teaching Staff

J. Thomas (ACL)P. Kautsky

Family Studies Promo Video

Course Listing

Course NameCourse CodeGradeTypePrerequisiteDescription
Exploring Family StudiesHIF2O10OpenNoneThis course explores, within the context of families, some of the fundamental challenges people face: how to meet basic needs, how to relate to others, how to manage resources, and how to become responsible members of society. Students will explore adolescent development and will have opportunities to develop interpersonal, decision-making, and practical skills related to daily life. They will learn about the diverse ways in which families function in Canada and will use research skills as they explore topics related to individual and family needs and resources.