IBM Ponder This Challenge: Congrats Comp. Sci. Leacock Students!

IBM is the largest industrial research organization in the world that has twelve labs on six continents and conducts leading research in quantum and cloud computing and artificial intelligence (AI).
Every month, a Ponder This Challenge is posted where anybody around the globe is invited to match wits with some of the best minds in IBM Research.

The winners for the January 2022 Challenge include three grade 11-12 Leacock students!

  • *Carlos Alcoba Pinto (*with distinction)
  • Benson Tran
  • Faiyaz Saraf

All student code was written in Python covered from scratch in Leacock Computer Science classes.
Please congratulate the students when you see them at school and recognize their hard work above and beyond Ontario Curriculum expectations!

Dr. Voznyy (Computer Science/Computer Engineering Teacher)