Post-Secondary Pathways Fair

Pathways Fair 2019

There will be a post-secondary pathways fair TODAY from 2:00-4:00pm in the learning commons and foyer.

Approximately 25-30 representatives will be present from colleges and universities sharing information about their programs, along with an employment centre.

Grade 11 classes during will come down on voice call to explore the fair at the start of period 4. At the half-way point, at approximately 2:30, the grade 12 classes will be called down.

Students are encouraged to ask the representatives questions about their educational opportunities. 

Some questions to ask are:

  • employment after graduation and supports for this
  • supports offered by the school
  • pre-requisites
  • alternative offers
  • tours
  • scholarships and bursaries
  • application deadlines
  • supplemental application requirements

Students can do some preparation for the fair by doing research on careers and their interests by: