Database Links

These resources are part of Leacock Learning Commons Virtual Library, available 24/7.

They are reliable, curated sources of information which are 100% suitable for research on any school project or assignment.

USER NAMES & PASSWORDS are needed when you access them OUTSIDE SCHOOL.


Over 140,000 curriculum-aligned encyclopedia articles, as well as educational videos, images, magazines and journals, learning games, and more available in three levels—Elementary, Middle, and High. Updated monthly. HOME PASSWORD HERE.

Topics: social studies, history, geography, visual & media arts, drama & dance, music, business studies & economics, civics, politics & law, English, Indigenous studies, social sciences & humanities, technological education, science. Features: articles, photos, videos, timelines, interactive exhibits

Canadian Points of View Reference Source covers hundreds of topics, each with an Overview (objective background/description), Point (argument) and Counterpoint (opposing argument).

Each topic also features a Guide to Critical Analysis which helps the reader evaluate the controversy and enhances students’ ability to read critically, develop their own perspective on the issues and write or debate an effective argument on the topic.

Login using TDSB email and TDSB password.

Primary source information about Canadian provinces and territories, and countries around the world including statistics, interviews, images, national anthems, recipes, infographics, and maps. Features: articles, data sets, graphs, recipes, flags, national anthems, read-aloud, primary sources, citations, four editions: Kids, World, Provinces and States. HOME PASSWORD HERE.

Searches the following resources at once for 7-12 research and inquiry: Canadian Points of View, Advanced Placement Source, Canadian Reference Centre, History Reference Centre, Science Reference Centre, Literary Reference Centre Plus, Canadian Literary Centre. Features: articles, book chapters, translation, primary sources, limit to Canadian sources. HOME PASSWORD HERE.

Reference eBook collection supporting secondary science, social sciences & humanities, business studies & economics curriculum. Features: articles, book chapters, sort by reading difficulty, connect to Google Classroom, citation, highlight & notes, downloadable content, read-aloud, mp3. HOME PASSWORD HERE.

Articles, biographies, images, videos, and more to support global awareness, inquiry, and critical thinking, including 250 different country topic pages and over than 400 pages on specific issues for searching or browsing. Features: articles, read-aloud, citations, translation, primary sources, interactive world map. HOME PASSWORD HERE.

Topics: Indigenous studies, Canadian history, geography, environment. Features: images, maps, survivors’ stories, searchable

Topic: science & technology, geography, business studies & economics, social sciences & humanities, science. Features: statistics, reports.

Nonjudgmental, straightforward articles for Grade 7-12 students on a variety of health & well-being topics.  All content is reviewed by professionals in the relevant field. Database Articles. Topic: physical health, emotional health, mental health, science, drugs, alcohol, eating disorders, diversity, safety, nutrition. Features: articles, read-aloud, citations, translation, helpline. HOME PASSWORD HERE.