Fall Sports | Winter Sports | Spring Sports |
Basketball – Girls Volleyball – Boys Ultimate Frisbee – Girls | Badminton – Co-ed Basketball – Boys Indoor Soccer – Boys Indoor Soccer – Girls Swimming – Co-ed Volleyball – Girls | Soccer – Boys Soccer – Girls Track and Field – Co-ed Ultimate Frisbee – Co-ed |
TDSSAA is moving to online permission forms and registration for school teams, through Excursion Management Application(EMA). Please see the following links for assistance with using EMA:
a)The link to the website. If you can navigate this, great! This is what you need to sign up for trying out for the team. https://parent.ema.tdsb.on.ca/#/
b)A training video for the website https://drive.google.com/file/d/1iKLrzD1NoUHE-boHli-SG93aKV9vNPa3/view
c)Written/visual instructions for the website https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DSCTRta5EDzf76Am7kFbRN42SKSXF-uADwNvP160MKA/edit#heading=h.rf9qoziyrxfa
d)A training video explaining how a parent/guardian can approve a student’s tryout for a team in EMA https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wAT8NDf-fyz9hmiMv_9KneOztz9XL0Gk/view?usp=sharing