F.A.S.T. – Facilitated Access to Skilled Trades for grade 9 and 10 students:
Demand is growing for skilled tradespeople. Students can apply to atttend Stephen Leacock CI using the F.A.S.T. application! Grade 9 students can apply by the last day of school in February for September Grade 10 entry while in their Grade 9 year; or Grade 10 students can apply for a semester 2 start by the last day of school in November.
Students must complete the application by the stated deadlines. Students who register at Stephen Leacock using the F.A.S.T. application will join the SHSM program for Hospitality and Tourism in their Grade 11 year. Please see the TDSB F.A.S.T. page for the application link and more program details. Contact the Guidance Department if you have questions.
Grade 10 Students, IGNITE Program
Grade 9 students wishing to join the IGNITE program in grade 10 need to apply through the Central Student Interest Program site. Applications are due by November 22nd at 4:00. Current Leacock students and students from other schools can apply through the CSIP application to join IGNITE as a grade 10 student. Spaces are limited, but students are encouraged to apply. Students must submit an expression of interest following the parameters outlined by the board. Transportation to school is the responsibility of the family.
10-12 Students, Regular Program
Students who live outside the SLCI boundaries must apply to attend using the Out of Area Admission application available on the TDSB site. The deadlines for September 2025 start are January 6 to January 24, 2025 at 4 p.m.
Students who live within the SLCI boundaries may register to attend a the next admission time for the start of Semester 1 or 2. Please contact our Guidance office for help in registering: 416-396-8000, ext. 20040.
Some photos of students in our Hospitality & Tourism (TFJ) classes: